Per Diem
Am I eligible to receive per diem?
- RCC craft employees are eligible to receive a per diem allowance of $100 per day worked if their permanent address is outside a 50-mile radius of the Plant Vogtle Units 3&4 site.
What documentation do I need to provide to receive my per diem?
- Employees must verify their permanent place of residence by providing the following information, each to include employee name:
- Renters: Provide: 1) a current rental or lease agreement, signed and dated by both parties; 2) proof of rental payment (no cash withdrawal or hand-written receipts); and 3) a copy of last month’s energy bill. Delinquent accounts will not be accepted.
- Homeowners—mortgaged: Provide 1) most recent mortgage statement; and 2) a copy of current energy bill with proof of payment. Delinquent accounts will not be accepted.
- Homeowners—no mortgage: Provide 1) a copy of property deed; 2) a copy of your tax record; and 3) a copy of current energy bill with proof of payment. Delinquent accounts will not be accepted.
Can I change my permanent address? What if I move?
Use an address change form to request an address change.
Who do I provide my proof of permanent address to?
RCC payroll in building 117 will provide a form.
Do I get my per diem if I have an excused absence during the week?
You will receive $100 per day worked. If you do not work a day, you will not receive per diem for that day.
Attendance Bonus & Absenteeism
What do I do to get my attendance bonus? When will I start getting my attendance allowance?
You will automatically start receiving your attendance bonus, provided you meet all requirements (i.e., you clock in on time, work the full scheduled day, and do not leave/clock out early).
How is the attendance bonus regulated?
- We will use your NOVAtime badge times to determine eligibility for the attendance bonus. The times you badge in and out will be compared against your official start time.
- If I arrive one or two minutes late and/or leave one or two minutes early, will I lose my attendance bonus? Yes, you will lose it for that day.
- If I arrive late and/or leave early, but I work the required 10 hours, will I get my attendance bonus? The Attendance Bonus is tied to your official start and stop times tracked by NOVATime.
Does the work rule about “Three Unexcused Absences (not reporting to work, late arrivals to work, or early departures from work) within a 60-day rolling period” still apply?
Yes, the work rule still applies. If you choose and if you still have them, you can use your 15 pre-approved days, so the absence is excused, however you will not get the Attendance Bonus for those days.